The Bicycle Level of Service (BLOS) is an essential performance measure for transportation agencies to monitor and prioritize infrastructure improvements. Traditional methods of assessing BLOS often rely on surveys and observational studies, which may not fully capture the complexity and nuances of different bicycling environments. To address this, a study was conducted using a virtual reality (VR) bicycle simulator to gather user feedback in a more immersive and controlled manner. The scenarios used in the VR simulator were reconstructed based on actual streets in California to enhance realism.
The primary objective of this research was to validate the results of an online stated preference survey through in-person experiments using a VR bicycle simulator. The study aimed to create an inclusive BLOS measure by including a racially and economically diverse sample of participants.

Participants experienced pairs of VR scenarios that depicted different types of bike infrastructure and traffic conditions. They were then asked to choose their preferred scenario. The responses were compared with those from an online survey to validate the effectiveness of the VR method.
Results indicated that while there was some discrepancy between online and in-person responses, the VR simulator provided a more realistic and engaging experience for participants. This enhanced their ability to make informed decisions about their route preferences.

Announcing proudly, the project was invited by the Self-eSTEM summer camp to showcase our VR bike simulator to a group of young Black girls. Self-eSTEM is dedicated to empowering BIPOC girls and women by providing culturally relevant STEM education, mentorship, and access to a robust support network. Their mission is to ignite pride, purpose, and possibility among these young minds, inspiring them to pursue careers in STEM. We were honored to contribute to this mission by introducing the participants to our innovative VR technology.